
Installing Conda

We are providing a conda env yaml file for easy installation of all the dependencies. Therefore, Miniconda installation is recommended for using the UVRSABI package.

Installing Colmap

Another dependency for the package is colmap which needs to be installed as follows: Colmap Installation

Installing the UVRSABI package

Clone the Github repository by running the following commands:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Once all the above dependencies have been installed, create a conda environment by running the following commands:

$ cd UVRSABI-Code/
$ conda env create -f uvrsabi.yaml
$ conda activate uvrsabi

We also require pre-trained weights to segment rooftops and detect objects. These can be downloaded by running the following command:

$ cd UVRSABI-Code/
$ ./

The GUI can be launched by running the following command:

$ cd UVRSABI-Code/
$ python

The Instructions page can be referred to for more details on how to use the GUI.